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Navajo Prep was established in 1991 by the Education Committee of the Navajo Nation Council (Resolution ECMY-33-91). The school is incorporated under the Navajo Nation Corporation Code and the New Mexico State Corporation Commission as a non-profit organization under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.

The only Navajo-sanctioned, college-preparatory school for Native Americans, Navajo Preparatory School recruits some of the best and brightest students of the Navajo Nation. 

While we do receive funding, our school and our students require gifts from donors to made it possible for students to receive an exemplary education.

Your gift makes a difference to Navajo Preparatory School, and we are deeply grateful. Donors may designate their gift to a scholarship, to the athletics department or generally to the school. Please click on the button below to donate. Thank you for your generosity.

Donate to a Scholarship

Donors may also designate to our scholarship. The Nááts’íílid (Rainbow) Scholarship Fund is a creation of Betty Ojaye who served 27 years as NPS Head of School from 1991-2018.  Navajo Preparatory School is committed to continuing the scholarship as it supports the school’s motto of developing “Yideeską́ą́góóNaat’áanii” – Leaders Now and Into the Future.

Generous people like you can make a tax-deductible scholarship donation to a worthy cause.

Donations can be made to….
Nááts’iilid (Rainbow) Scholarship Fund
c/o Navajo Preparatory School, Inc.
1220 West Apache Street
Farmington, New Mexico 87401

Contact Darah Tabrum for information: dtabrum@navajoprep.com