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Navajo Preparatory School has several different types of scholarships available for students. Each scholarship has its own application process and deadlines set forth each year. Please use the links below to apply for each scholarship.
Náátsʼiilid (Rainbow) Scholarship Fund
Nááts’iilid (Rainbow) Scholarship Fund
c/o Navajo Preparatory School, Inc.
1220 West Apache Street
Farmington, New Mexico 87401
Contact Darah Tabrum for applications (for Seniors ONLY)

Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives
About Eve’s Fund Scholarship Program
The founders of Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives, the late Dr. Robert Crowell and Barbara Crowell Roy, established the scholarship program in 2011 to honor the memory of their daughter, Eve Erin Crowell, and to address the significant educational needs of high school students on the Navajo Nation. With support from Eve’s Fund, Navajo Prep helps students prepare for success in college and life beyond.
Since its establishment, Eve’s Fund Scholarship has awarded $60,250 in scholarships to 46 students, some of whom have received a scholarship for each of their four years at Navajo Preparatory School. Students will receive financial aid for each of their four years at Navajo Prep.
To be eligible for assistance from Eve’s Fund, applicants must demonstrate financial need, scholastic potential, and leadership skills. Each Navajo Prep scholarship recipient receives $1,000 or $800 (for day students) to cover the school’s required student fees. Scholarship recipients are selected based on application and supporting materials.
SY 2021-2022 Eve’s Fund Scholarship Recipients
Joshua Begay, Alana Smith, Jillian Garcia, Kalani Williams, KayDence Low Dog, Kimberlynnbah Yazzie, Lucius Hale, Luke Damon, Madison Smith, Natalyn Yazzie, Orion King, Uriel Benally, Winnie Morgan, Naomi Peshlakai, Wallen Descheeny, Genesis Clark
SY 2019-2020 Eve’s Fund Scholarship Recipients
Ten of these thirteen students received the scholarship for the first time and three students continued from previous years.
Joshua Begay, Uriel Benally, Keonna Hosteen, Sky Harper, Isaiah Morris, Lance Gilbert Morris, Jaden Shirley, Kenny Sloan, Alana Smith, Kalani Williams, Isaac Yazzie, Kimberlynnibah Yazzie, Natalyn Yazzie
Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives promotes literacy, injury prevention, mental health and educational programs for young Native Americans. It was established in 2005 by the parents of Eve Erin Crowell, the late Dr. Robert M. Crowell, a retired neurosurgeon, and Barbara Crowell Roy. Navajo Prep School thanks Eve’s Fund for this generous annual support which helps students receive a quality education.
Click here to learn more about Eve’s Fund and to donate
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San Juan Rotary Club
Navajo Prep appreciates the San Juan Rotary Club, which has offered an annual $500 scholarship to one Navajo Prep student each year since 2000. Students are selected based on their academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and commitment to their studies. Thank you to San Juan Rotary Club for your continued support of Navajo Prep students!
Congratulations to the following award recipients:
- SY 2023-2024 Award Recipient: Kiana Benally
- SY 2022-2023 Award Recipient:
- SY 2021-2022 Award Recipient: Haylei Redhouse
- SY 2020-2021 Award Recipient: Tymerah Chischilly
- SY 2019-2020 Award Recipient: Shayleigh Jim
- SY 2018-2019 Award Recipient: Baahozohnii Largo
Office of Dine Youth
If you are seeking scholarship information for attending Navajo Preparatory School, you may contact the Department of Diné Education, Office of Diné Youth in Window Rock, AZ at (928) 871-6518. The high school preparatory school application is located under the download text. If you have been selected to receive a scholarship award, please submit your award letter notification to Navajo Preparatory School Business Office as soon as possible for proof of the scholarship award.
College Scholarships
The American Indian College Fund provides scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native college students seeking undergraduate and graduate degrees at:
- Tribal colleges and universities
- All non-profit & accredited schools
- DEADLINE – Full Circle scholarship applications are accepted every year from Jan 1 – May 31. The American Indian College Fund determines student eligibility and awards the scholarships. All applicants are emailed an award or denial notice by August. Those applicants who are chosen to receive a scholarship will also receive a mailed notice to the address listed on their applications.

Souder Miller & Associates
SMA supports lasting positive goals in tribal communities by bridging our commitment to providing successful projects with an active investment into tribal capacity development. SMA contributes to capacity development through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) scholarships to Native American undergraduate students, through mentoring and through hiring practices.
The SMA STEM Scholarship program has now contributed $113,500 to 24 undergraduate students. Our team of professionals also donate time and resources to important student functions including sponsoring the New Mexico RES Conference Student Day, mentoring at the Santa Fe Indian School, mentoring students through their efforts to pursue STEM careers and even hosting several college interns each semester in the office.
Souder, Miller & Associates offers a $1,500 scholarship opportunity to Native American students pursuing a four-year degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. The scholarship may be used for tuition, fees, books or on-campus housing/meals. Automatic approval for up to a maximum of four academic years is at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.
Eligible scholarship applicants must be:
- Enrolled member of a Pueblo or Tribe and a high school graduate by June 2021 who has been accepted by an accredited U.S. college or university, or
- Enrolled member of a Pueblo or Tribe and a college STEM student currently enrolled at an accredited college or university.
Any questions regarding the program should be forwarded to the scholarship committee at: nativeamerican.scholarship@soudermiller.com