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Main Phone Number: 505-326-6571
Fax Numbers
Academics/Athletics: (505) 564-8099
McKenzie School-Based Health Center: (505) 326-1834
Business Office: (505) 326-2155
Commonly Used Extensions
Front Office: Ext. 122
Library: Ext. 153
Cafeteria: Ext. 112
McKenzie School Based Health Center: Ext. 115 or 116
Administration Offices (Dodge Hall)
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Shawna A. Becenti | Head of School | sbecenti@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 141 |
4 | April Chee | Executive Assistant to the Head of School | april.chee@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 142 |
5 | Kevin Belin | Director of the Diné Bizaad Institute | kbelin@navajoprep.com | 505-326-6571 Ext. 301 |
Business Office (located in the Wauneka Building)
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Manuel Watchman | Division Director of Business and Human Services | manuel.watchman@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 143 |
2 | Eve Bluehouse | Acct. Receivable Tech | ebluehouse@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 125 |
3 | Terri Yazzie-Bochinclonny | Senior Accountant | terri.yazzie-bochinclonny@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 332 |
4 | Diane Dembowski | Acct. Payable Tech | ddembowski@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 152 |
5 | Jocelyn Jones | Business Office/HR Tech | jocelyn.jones@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 118 |
6 | Lynwandowski Filfred | Human Resources Manager | lynwandowski.filfred@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 145 |
Student & Community Engagement (located in the BOSC)
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Darah Tabrum | Associate Head of School for Advancement and Outreach | dtabrum@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 123 |
2 | Sean Bekis | Technology Director | sbekis@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 1136 |
3 | Shawna Eaton | IT Tech | shawnae@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 132 |
4 | Yvette Escojeda | Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator | yescojeda@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 120 |
5 | Josh Prettyontop | IT Tech | josh.prettyontop@navajoprep.com | 505-326-6571 Ext. 138 |
6 | Brian NezBegay | IT Tech | brian.nezbegay@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 335 |
8 | Jeffrey Tome | Admissions Coordinator | jeffrey.tome@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 119 |
9 | DeShanin Yazzie | Office Assistant | dyazzie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 122 |
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Keith Neil | Associate Head of School for Academics & Operations | kneil@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 320 |
2 | Jennifer Kaskalla | Administrative Assistant | jkaskalla@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 113 |
3 | Holly Hook | Librarian | holly.hook@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 153 |
4 | Jana VanderHoven | SPED Coordinator | jvanderhoven@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 329 |
5 | Rainy Crisp | Asst Dean of Instruction | rcrisp@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 117 |
6 | Giovanni Romeo | IB Coordinator | giovanni.romeo@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext.130 |
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
2 | Katayan Ameri | MYP PHEI, MYP PHE II-Health | katayan.ameri@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 321 |
4 | Dustin Begay | Navajo Language Teacher | dustin.begay@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
5 | Marla Billey | Navajo Language Teacher | marla.billey@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
6 | Yolanda Flores | IB Science Teacher | yflores@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 318 |
7 | Brent Garcia | Digital Media Arts | brent.garcia@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 309 |
9 | Michael Gordon | MYP Robotics I & II, DP TOK 1 | mgordon@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 126 |
11 | Sabrina Gutierrez | MYP Art II, Yearbook,DP VA I/ II, | sabrina.gutierrez@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 309 |
12 | Allison Henry | IB Science Teacher | ahenry@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 308 |
13 | Hiroshi Iwana | IB Spanish Teacher | hiwana@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 150 |
14 | Denise Jensen | NM/AZ History Teacher | djensen@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 317 |
15 | Kevin Keeley | IB Science Teacher | kkeeley@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 305 |
16 | Myrna Mendoza | MYP LI & LII, DP L & LI | mmendoza@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 300 |
17 | Martha McCabe | IB Music Teacher | martha.mccabe@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 323 |
18 | Brittany Quick Bear | Math Teacher | brittany.quickbear@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 306 |
19 | Dave Riser | World Hist, Economics, HOTA I, HOTA II | dave.riser@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 312 |
20 | John Russell | English I & II | john.russell@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 314 |
21 | Ramesh Singh | IB Math Teacher | ramesh.singh@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 310 |
22 | Paul Stewart | IB Math Teacher | pstewart@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 311 |
23 | Desmon Tippiconnie | Navajo Language | desmon.tippeconnie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 326 |
24 | Lesley Tohtsoni | IB US History I & II | ltohtsoni@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 313 |
25 | Becky Werth | Health & Fitness Teacher | rebecca.werth@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 316 |
26 | Cheryl Wolfe | IB English II & Theory of Knowledge | cwolfe@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 303 |
Student Life Department
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Roderick Denetso | Division Director of Student Life and Wellness | rdenetso@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 121 |
2 | Victoria Acosta | Student Life Coordinator | victoria.acosta@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 156 |
5 | Teahonna James | After School Activities Coord. | tjames@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 330 |
6 | Rodera Johnson | After School Activities Assistant | rodera.johnson@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
8 | Arthur Hall | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 234 | ||
9 | Kerry Yazzie | Residential Advisor | kyazzie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
10 | Rolanda Jeffrey | Residential Advisor | rolanda.jeffrey@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
11 | Bates Hall | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 242 | ||
12 | Nichole Morris | Residential Advisor | nichole.morris@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
15 | Judith Kinlicheenie | Residential Advisor | jkinlicheenie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
16 | Garrett Hall | |||
18 | Carol Tom | Residential Advisor | ctom@navajoprep.com | |
19 | Ashley Toledo | Residential Advisor | mckayla.henry@navajoprep.com | |
20 | Manuelito | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 234 | ||
21 | Tyler Sorensen | Residential Advisor | tyler.sorensen@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
22 | Dante Thunderhawk | Residential Advisor | dante.thunderhawk@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
27 | Zah Hall | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 232 | ||
28 | Keyosha Jim | Residential Advisor | keyosha.jim@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
29 | Lula Davis | Residential Advisor | ldavis@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
30 | New Home | |||
31 | Callie Dale | Residential Advisor | callie.dale@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
33 | Monty Larvingo | Residential Advisor | martinque.larvingo@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
McKenzie Student Health Center
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Kandice Duvall, RN | School Nurse | kandice.duvall@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 116 |
2 | Fabrienne Denet | Health Assistant | fabrienne.denet@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 115 |
3 | Anthony Smith | Student Support Coordinator | asmith@navajoprep.com | 505-326-6571 Ext. 305 |
4 | Tabitha Skinner | Student Support Specialist | tabitha.skinner@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 148 |
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Tamara Begaye | Athletics Secretary | tbegaye@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 304 |
2 | Football | |||
3 | Rod Denetso | Head Coach | rdenetso@navjoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
4 | Cross Country | |||
5 | Stephanie Coon | Head Coach | scoon@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
6 | Volleyball | |||
7 | Martinique Larvingo | Head Coach | martinique.larvingo@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
8 | Soccer | |||
9 | Darien Nelson | Head Coach | Darien.Nelson@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 151 |
10 | Boys’ Basketball | |||
11 | Vacant | Head Coach | ||
12 | Girls’ Basketball | |||
13 | Rainy Crisp | Head Coach | rcrisp@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 117 |
14 | Baseball | |||
15 | Thoer Peterman | Head Coach | thoer.peterman@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
16 | Softball | |||
17 | Delbert Thomas | Head Coach | delbert.thomas@navajoprep.com | (505) 947-8918 |
18 | Track & Field | |||
19 | Lenny Esson | Head Coach | lesson@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
20 | Golf | |||
21 | Jeremy Yazzie | Head Coach | jeremy.yazzie@navajo.prep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
22 | Powerlifting | |||
23 | Dante Thunderhawk | Head Coach | dante.thunderhawk@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
24 | Cheer | |||
25 | Dekotah Dawes | Head Coach | dekotah.dawes@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
Facility and Operations Services
wdt_ID | Name | Position | Phone | |
1 | Jerrold Platero | Facilities Manager | jerrold.platero@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 151 |
2 | Bita Roanhorse | Facility Office Coord & Custodial Supervisor | broanhorse@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 328 |
4 | Maintenance | |||
5 | Byron Begay | Maintenance | bbegay@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
6 | Bobby Charley | Maintenance | bcharley@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
7 | Ronnie Delagarza | Maintenance | ronnie.delagarza@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
8 | Groundskeeping | |||
9 | Kohbe Haven | Groundskeeping | kohbe.haven@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
10 | Vacant | Groundskeeping | (505) 326-6571 | |
11 | Custodial | |||
12 | Jess Benally | Custodian | jess.benally@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
13 | Virginia Curley | Custodian | vcurley@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
14 | Shirley Lee | Custodian | shirley.lee@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
15 | Tami Shortey | Custodian | tami.shortey@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
16 | Henry Sandoval | Custodian | henry.sandoval@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
17 | Victor Vigil | Custodian | victor.vigil@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
18 | Transportation | |||
19 | Edith Jones | Bus Driver | ejones@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
20 | Alvin Thomas | Bus Driver | alvin.thomas@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
21 | Larson Attakai | Bus Driver (sub) | larson.attakai@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
22 | Louise Atene | Bus Driver (sub) | latene@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
23 | Danny Devargas | Bus Driver (sub) | ddevargas@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
24 | Mary Dickey | Bus Driver (sub) | mdickey@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
25 | Selena Horse | Bus Driver (sub) | selena.horse@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
31 | Susie Manning | Bus Driver (sub) | smanning@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 |
32 | Safety and Security | (505) 860-2189 or (505) 215-2342 | ||
35 | George Joy | Safety and EMS Coordinator | george.joy@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
37 | Florella Thomas | Lead Security/Safety | fthomas@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
40 | Mariah Baldwin | Security Officer | mariah.baldwin@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
42 | Shawn Clitso | Security Officer | shawn.clitso@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
43 | Walter Collins | Security Officer (Sub) | walter.collins@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
44 | Harlan Iron Cloud | Security Officer | hironcloud@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
45 | Alexandria Nakai | Security Officer | anakai@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
46 | Jade Spencer | Security Officer | jade.spencer@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 322 |
47 | Food Services | |||
48 | Victor Alverez | Food Services Director | victor.alvarez@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
49 | Ryan Yee | Assistant Food Svc. Mgr | ryan.yee@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
50 | Hazel Toledo | Lead Cook | htoledo@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
51 | Bryan Bunny | Cook | bryan.bunny@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
52 | Saydie Charlie | Cook | saydie.charlie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
53 | Roberta Yazzie | Cook | roberta.yazzie@navajoprep.com | (505) 326-6571 Ext. 112 |
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